Hannah chats with Dr Lindsay, Naturopathic Pediatrician in Colorado Springs. In this episode, we discuss naturopathic pediatrics, dealing with infant fever, how to choose the right immune strategy for your family, vaccines, and much more. Interested in working with Dr. Lindsay? Visit https://theorganiccure.com to visit Dr. Lindsay’s site, see her blog posts on a range of remedies, and check out her available courses! Dr. Lindsay also has an offer going on right now. Check out: http://theorganiccure.com/offer If you want to locate a naturopathic doctor elsewhere, visit at https://naturopathic.org/default.aspx. As always, if you want to work with Hannah along your preconception, prenatal, or postpartum health journey, reach out to her here: https://www.hannahnicholson.com/ And everything motherhood and birth prep support, including classes, can be found at Enso Motherhood with Bea here: https://www.ensomama.com/
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