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Oct 7th - 5pm - 9pm
Oct 8th - 8:30am - 12:30pm
Oct 9th - 8:30am - 1:00 pm
One On-Demand Class (2.5 hours)
Nov 4th - 5pm - 9pm
Nov 5th - 8:30am - 12:30pm
Nov 6th - 8:30am - 1:00 pm
Childbirth Ed Audit Slot (12.5 hrs)
No Hidden Fees + nearly 50 hours of content!

Do you offer a military discount?Of course! Did you know that we are a minority & veteran owned business! We want to say Thank You for all of your hard work, your families sacrifices and your service! Use Promo Code LUVUSA10 for a 10% discount on any Ultrasound Package, Yoga, and All Educational Classes!
What is an elective ultrasound?An elective ultrasound is an ultrasound that you can schedule. It is performed with a medical grade ultrasound for the purpose of connecting with your baby. An elective ultrasound is a non-diagnostic ultrasound. Think of it as your babies very first pics.
Does this take the place of an ultrasound at my doctors office?No, an elective ultrasound is similar to a photo-shoot. It is non-diagnostic and does not replace medical care. Every pregnant woman should seek proper care from a licensed medical professional.
Is elective ultrasound covered by my insurance?Since elective ultrasound is non-medical and non-diagnostic, it is an out of pocket, elective expense.
Is it safe for me and my baby?Ultrasound is safe for you and your baby. Because ultrasound uses sound waves instead of radiation, it’s safer than X-rays. Ultrasounds have been safely used for over 30 years. As a matter of fact, most providers use ultrasound as part of routine care. 3D 4D ultrasounds use the same type and intensity ultrasound as a 2D ultrasound.
Do I need an appointment?Yes, we cannot take drop-in’s, an appointment is required for all services.
How far along should I be before I have a 3d 4d ultrasound?You can have a 3D ultrasound as early as 22 week and up to birth, but we recommend 26-34 weeks for the best images.
Can I bring my family and friends?Of course, we encourage you to invite your friends and family! This is one of those wonderful life experiences that is so sweet when shared with loved ones.
Can you determine the baby's gender?Yes, in most cases we can provide a gender determination, but we can not make a guarantee. Various factors effect the ability to determine gender. Of course, if we are unable to determine your babies gender, we will schedule another appointment for free!
What kind of ultrasound equipment do you use?We have one of the best ultrasound machines currently available! We use the medical grade, state of the art GE Voluson E10.
What can i do to ensure i get quality ultrasound pictures?Prior to scheduling your appointment, pay attention to when your baby is most active and schedule your ultrasound for that time frame. Also, pay attention to whether eating or drinking changes your baby’s activity level. If eating or drinking makes your baby active, be sure to eat prior to your appointment. If it makes your baby sleepy, adjust your meal so that your baby will be ready for it’s big show. Many baby’s become active after mom drinks something cold or fruity, so try a fruit smoothie prior to your appointment. Be sure to hydrate well 24-48 hours prior to your appointment. Good hydration will affect your amniotic fluid which can affect your images. Finally, the best images of your baby’s face are obtained when your baby is head down. If you suspect that your baby is breech, postpone your appointment until your baby flips.
Where are you located?Enso is located in Colorado Springs. We are near the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, 420 Pizza, & Mother Muffs in Old Colorado City. Our address is 2501 W Colorado Ave.
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